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My life is a May game,

I will live as I like. I defy your strait-laced, weary, social ways and modes. Blue is the sky, green the fields and groves, fresh the springs, glad the rivers, and hospitable the splendor of sun and star. I will play my game out. And if any shall say me nay, shall come out with swords and staves against me to prick me to death for their foolish laws, come and welcome. I will not look grave for such a fool's matter. I cannot lose my cheer for such trumpery.

Life is a May game still.  


~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals

(June 6, 1839) 

I discovered this quote in a book at my grandmother’s house in Wauwatosa, WI, when I was around 10 years old.

Decades later it still resonates for me, in a different way than it once did, and in a more urgent way than it ever did.

Dream Big!

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