As a rebellious, hyper-curious, fiercely independent underachiever growing up in a blue collar Midwest household surrounded by addiction, drawing served as an escape. The solace of drawing evolved into writing poems, which led to a marketing communications career solving complex business, branding, and messaging problems in simplified terms. Ignoring convention along the way. Prioritizing people over profit and challenging the status quo with conviction, respect, and occasionally irreverence Looking past the obvious to capture the heart of the big picture or express the spirit of the tiny glimpse.
Motivated by the death of lifelong friends Tom Bartelt, Jim Borngesser and Jeff Rehberger in midlife; inspired by local and legendary artists; and informed by a career in marketing and creative services working with exceptionally talented graphic designers and fine artists, like Chuck Weber in Wisconsin, I started painting in earnest later in life.
Immersed in the moment, time suspended and melting away, music matching mood, energy and effort focused on the process, concentrating on composition, values, and color, I use oils and acrylics to take risks and live with the consequences, spiritually refreshed and emotionally renewed. Alive and ever imperfect.
Chasing authenticity. I paint and write as therapy, to exorcise suffering, exercise the middle way, and express the possible. My process is driven by the principles of causality, impermanence and equanimity. The discipline of painting is my path to happiness, a winding journey of self exploration, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, creative evolution, and love.
I create for the wellness of my soul, am thankful for the support of family and friends, and am committed to seeing this journey through, experiencing deeply life's rich collage of trials and triumph, loss and love, sorrow and joy, addiction and absolution. Ideas aplenty, brush in hand. ''My life is a May game.'