Dusk to Dawn
Behold the death of regal dusk
Foretelling awe of dawn.
Secret joys and callous mourning
Buried by the crickets’ song.
Ash wood embers fiercely hot,
Flames lick the dewy night.
Spirits fill an empty head.
The battle’s lost, but not the fight.
Demons linger at the gate
Coyotes howl and whine.
Temptation, fear and abstinence
Fall prey to false sublime.
Sirens sing their lulling songs
The prince cannot resist,
A cold, hard sword of self-deceit
Jabbed deep within his chest.
Brave bold knight called Recompense,
Stands guard his flippant Lord
A guileful wretch of meager worth
In deaf-blind haste was born.
The woe of sinful lust dispatched,
Sunlight’s golden hue is cast,
Refreshed and blessed and bittersweet,
Freed from self and free at last
Behold the pithy wake of dawn,
Bereave the despot's fling.
Songbirds take to lovely wings
to weary eyes, awakening.